Publication: HowlRound: Radical Inclusion of Parent Artists
Working to keep parents working
I'm the founder of Parents in Chicago Theatre, an advocacy organization working toward inclusion of parents and people with caring responsibilities in the theatre industry in Chicago through research, advocacy and support. We also provide a way to connect parents with existing resources in Chicago and nationwide.
Lake FX Conference 2016
2017 Report, Barriers to Work for Parents in Chicago Theatre
2019 Report, on Lost Voices
I'm the Chicago Chief Rep for the Parent Artist Advocacy League for Arts + Media, a national community, resource hub, and solutions generator for individuals with caregiver responsibilities and institutions who strive to support them.
HowlRound TV: How Your Theatre Can Become a More Equitable Employer of Parents and Caregivers
PAAL Podcast
Ep. 3 - Interview with Physical Theatre Festival's Alice da Cunha about being an artistic director, motherhood and providing childcare at the 2019 festival.
Ep. 1 - I Will Hold Your Baby - I was the first ever guest!!